
This website is intended to introduce the visitors to fundamentals of Smart Production Systems (SPS) – their analytics and software – as well as to demonstrate their utilization for productivity improvement.
Four categories of visitors will benefit from the material presented here:
The first one are those interested only in what the Smart Production Systems (SPS) are. For this group, examining the material included under the tab WHAT IS SPS would suffice.
The second includes those interested in managing production systems in the SPS environment. They would benefit from clicking on the PRODUCTS and RESOURCES tabs as well.
The third category are those intended to acquire expertise for not only on managing, but also for designing and deploying SPS on the factory floor. They would benefit from examining the material under all banner tabs.
Finally, the forth category includes those studying the textbook titled Smart Production Systems (Best Seller Publishing, 2025) either for self-study or in the format of industrial or academic courses on SPS. For them, a particular interest would be the items under the RESOURCES tab, namely, the Exercises for self-study and for SPS courses and Examples of SPS design and operation. The first of them provides exercises to enhance active learning of the material. The second presents the process of continuous improvement projects design in the framework of two smart production systems, which are mentioned but not fully developed in the textbook.